City Dressing Toolkit

Here you can download print-ready designs for free, so you can easily celebrate the Copenhagen Sprint with atmospheric decorations.

The City of Copenhagen has developed a City Dressing Toolkit for the Copenhagen Sprint 2025. It will provide the opportunity to decorate the route and create a firework display of a public and cycling festival when the world’s best riders whizz past. The new City Dressing Toolkit can be used by everything from shops, cafés and hotels to companies, associations and museums – and anyone else with a wall or window in one of the nine transit municipalities.

The toolkit consists of print-ready CMYK files. They are free to download and you can choose from seven different products.

Once you have selected designs and products, you can download a print-ready file. The files are free to use, but printing, set-up and take-down costs are covered by you.

By downloading print files, you agree that you understand that the products may not be used in connection with the sale of commercial products, either directly or indirectly, and other terms of use as described in the FAQ for use of City Dressing Toolkit.

Thank you for joining us in celebrating a world-class cycling race on Danish soil!


Cheer with a paper flag in hand as the world’s best riders whizz past. The paper flag (19×25 cm) has a front side with a moiré pattern and a back side with the Copenhagen Sprint logo.


Decorate your store or facade with posters for Copenhagen Sprint 2025. The posters are available in five different designs and are downloadable in A1 (59.4 x 84.1 cm) and A2 (42×59.4 cm).


Hand out postcards for Copenhagen Sprint 2025 to customers and guests. Postcards are available in four different designs and can be downloaded in A6 (10.5 x 14.8 cm).


Welcome guests and customers with roll-ups for Copenhagen Sprint 2025. The roll-ups are available in four different designs measuring 85 x 220 cm.


Create a cozy atmosphere in your shop or café with pennants for Copenhagen Sprint. The pennants come in four different designs with the Copenhagen Sprint logo and moiré pattern. The size of the pennant is 6 x 12 cm.


Join the cheer by decorating your window or glass facade with the Copenhagen Sprint 2025 window stickers. The window stickers are available in five different designs and can be downloaded in A1 (59.4 x 84.1 cm) and A2 (42 x 59.4 cm).


Welcome guests and customers with a Copenhagen Sprint sticker. Stickers are available in the size 3 x 8 cm.


What can the City Dressing Toolkit be used for?

The City Dressing Toolkit may only be used for city dressing and atmospheric decoration in shops, cafes, hotels, businesses, museums, etc.

Can the City Dressing Toolkit be used for merchandising, sales or marketing?

No, the City Dressing Toolkit may not be used for merchandising or in connection with the direct sale or promotion of commercial products either directly or indirectly.

Can the City Dressing Toolkit be used for other communication, for example on social media?

No, the City Dressing Toolkit is physically oriented and may not be used for communication or marketing on digital or social channels. However, you are allowed to take a picture of your store, facade or business that is decorated with the City Dressing Toolkit and subsequently share the image on your own channels – digital as well as social.

Can I change the layout, for example by adding elements or my own logo?

No, the City Dressing Toolkit are fixed designs. It is not allowed to change the design, layout or print files, for example by adding elements or your own logo.

Can I adapt the files to other formats and print flags in custom sizes, for example?

No, changing formats is not allowed. If you have specific requests for formats, such as a building banner, you are welcome to reach out to Creative Manager at the City of Copenhagen, Nikolaj Knop, at

Can the City Dressing Toolkit be used on staff shirts or t-shirts?

No, the City Dressing Toolkit may only be used for the seven different products listed in the Toolkit. The designs and print files may not be used in any other way than prescribed or in connection with the sale of goods and commercial products either directly or indirectly.

Can I use the City Dressing Toolkit in close proximity to my own logos, branding and messaging?

Most shops, cafés and businesses contain logos and other decorations that brand their own company. This branding is of course allowed. However, it is not allowed to use the City Dressing Toolkit for the sale of your own commercial products, for example by preparing special offers or sales messages with products from the City Dressing Toolkit. If you are in doubt, you are welcome to contact Creative Manager at the City of Copenhagen, Nikolaj Knop, at

Can the City Dressing Toolkit only be used outside so that it is visible to passers-by?

No, it is allowed to use the City Dressing Toolkit indoors, for example in shops, arrival halls or cafés. Roll-ups are allowed in hotel receptions and arrival halls, but not next to a commercial product or associated with direct sales.

Do I have to have all designs hanging or can I just choose one?

You get to choose what types of designs you hang and how you combine the materials.

Can I reuse the material from year to year?

We’d love to. Please note, however, that the date of the 2025 race appears on some of the products, such as postcards and posters.

Is there an official hashtag I can use when posting about Copenhagen Sprint?

Yes, feel free to use the official hashtags #CPHSprint.

Can printers or shops offer the approved products for sale with instructions on how to use them?

No, the City Dressing Toolkit may not be resold. The Toolkit is free to download, but it is important that you familiarize yourself with the rules and accept the terms of use of the Toolkit on this site.

Do you have further questions about using the Toolkit?

Then you are welcome to contact Creative Manager at the City of Copenhagen, Nikolaj Knop, at