Press accreditation

If you are working as a press (journalist/photographer), you can sign up for press accreditation for Copenhagen Sprint. Once you have filled out the form you will land on a confirmation page, and we will furthermore get back to you with a response in a separate email later.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Note the following:

  • Photographers MUST wear the photo vest provided by the secretariat.
  • A press center will be established near the finish area every day. Only accredited press with confirmed access to the press center will be allowed entry.
  • A designated photo area will be marked at the finish line. Access to this area is ONLY for press photographers.
  • There will be a Flash Zone immediately by the podium (only for main broadcasters).
  • Other interviews will take place in the Mixed Zone after the award ceremony. Access to this area is only allowed with accreditation.
The final sprint

Press contacts

Relevant press contacts can be found here.